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04 April 2007

daily gluten-free food photo: spring onions

spring onions

That green.

All winter long, the sky and trees and everything in between just beamed out bleakness. Most of the time, they barely murmured the muted colors. The cold wind along our cheeks, the lashes of wind tousling my hair, the unending grey that skimmed the surface of the sky but seemed to be all of it up there. This year, winter in Seattle seemed to last forever.

For the first three months, I wasn't complaining. "Look, honey!" I shouted and tugged at his sleeve. "It's snowing!" We walked in it, turned our faces toward, and shifted our bodies to warm each other up. Everything was new.

But by March, even the two least jaded people in the world looked out the window at morning snowflakes and said, "Again?"

Finally, it's spring.

Do you know what I always notice about spring when it arrives? The earth has smells again. In winter, everything goes dormant, even the scent of itself. Driving along now, with the windows open, I notice the smell of the dirt as I drive by it. And the grass, just cut, feels like intoxication.

And the other noticing, day after day? A return to green. Driving through the arboretum, I see another tree with trembling new leaves upon its branches. "Look, sweetie!" I say, tugging on his sleeve. "That tree has leaves now!" They are almost all there now.

Spring, most of all? A return to green vegetables, besides kale. A few weeks ago, we turned the corner at the Market and came upon these — the first spring onions we had seen.

Everything lets out a sigh of relief this time of year.


At 10:53 PM, Blogger GS said...

Sometimes living in the southern hemisphere, I just don't make the connection about names. Reading your post about a snow filled winter, so foreign to what I experience - the penny finally dropped. Spring - Onions! I'd never really thought of how they got their name before, as they are available all year round like most greens in Australia. Thanks for helping me get it :)

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Market at the Square said...

We've experienced the leaves coming out, the daffodils blooming, the magnolias flowering - all in the past week or so. Jon at Blue Moon Farms down the road even has fresh spinach (my kingdom for a hoop house!).

Now a cold front has come through (bringing with it big thunderstorms and some hail) and the temperature is 30 degrees; the low tonight will be 23. 23!!! I don't know if the PNW is at the mercy of Mother Nature quite the same way we are here in the midwest, but after 25 years here, I've realized it is what it is.

Spring onions will have to wait, tho.... ;)

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Mrs. G.F. said... guys have now experienced what we New Englanders do every year.

And last night...another major snowstorm, in April! Just when I was dreaming about my gardens..getting ready to clean up my herb garden! My chives had started up again, and my oregano...all now buried under over a foot of snow.

Spring is on her way though...glad it's starting on your coast. :)

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Nat said...

Oh, I hear you!
But here in Chicago it snowed again YESTERDAY, and it's going to be another chilly weekend.
I can't wait until we have farmers' markets and fresh green veges again!!

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Deborah Dowd said...

Here in Tidewater Virginia, we are preparing for possible snow flurries on Easter weekend, so it's nice to hear tha there is Spring somewhere!

At 5:08 AM, Blogger madre-terra said...

I always start thinking of Spring in Febuary. There are many Lopezians who start their peas in Febuary. When we are living up there full time again we will be traveling to AZ for winter art shows. I keep reminding my husband that we have to be back in late winter to plant peas.
So glad to hear that it is Spring somewhere.
Have you planted your peas?

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another outspoken female,

Yes, isn't it funny how we take words for granted? Around here, where it's actually spring, that huge greenness in a slender onion is so wonderfully cheering.


I'm so sorry about that cold front. One of the Chef's sisters lives in Iowa, and we checked out the weather there today in the paper. Yikes! I hope it brightens up and warms up soon.

Slacker Mom,

I hope the chives and oregano will be all right. We really pretty blessed over here. Yesterday it was 79!


I know. Even though it was warm yesterday, it's back to grey and mild today. In about three weeks, the farmers' markets will be at their full capacity, and I will be so happy!


Oh goodness, snow flurries. I hope they have dissipated, and that the sun is shining again.


oh, I wish that we could plant peas! We don't have any land in this place where we live. Huge kitchen, windows overlooking the Olympic mountains, but no land. But we might be moving soon, and we hope we have a little patch of earth. Next year?

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Such a bright picture! We've been so hot down here, that a cool snap is appreciated. Hopefully, it will bring back SEASONAL temperatures rather than the summer temperatures of a week ago! I, too, can't wait for the farmer's market fare to kick up!


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