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12 March 2009

moving food.

fast lunch, so satisfying

I am surrounded by boxes, strewn across the living room floor like pennies flung out a window late at night. Forgive the strange similes that only I can understand. I'm a little bit tired.

We're moving in two days.

Luckily, we're not going far. No overseas adventures, or cross-country endeavors. We're not being forced. We haven't lost our house.

We just want to live on the island, now.

Not that island, the one I have written about here before, although this island is much like that, in spirit and slowness. All the islands of the Puget Sound have this magic to them: green trees, long winding roads, small towns with only stop signs, driftwood beaches, views of mountains, and quiet. We have been longing for it. And this weekend, we will be living it.

I've lived on this island before. Those of you who know this area, or who have read my book, will know the name. It's only a 20-minute ferry ride from Seattle, which keeps the small town open to larger possibilities. When I was in my late 20s, I started my teaching career on this island. I fell in love with it almost as soon as I set foot on it. One evening, driving back to my house in the darkness, I was seized by happy sobbing. I knew this was home, down to my toes. Growing up in southern California, I never felt at home. This was, in my bones, the place I belonged.

I left it, however. It's hard to live on a rural island when you're 30, and single, no matter how much you love it. My feet needed to leave, to live in Manhattan instead, and then London, and circle back closer, to Seattle. All those years, my heart yearned for the island, but I still hadn't found him. I promised myself I wouldn't move back there until I met the man I loved as much as that island.
Or until I had given up and accepted that I would live in a ramshackle cabin filled with cats.

(This is the point at which the Chef looks at me, raises his hand shyly before my eyes, and says, "Hi.")

The first time the Chef and I visited the island, to spend the afternoon with my brother, my sister-in-law, and Elliott, we were maybe five minutes off the ferry when the Chef turned toward me and said, "Have you ever thought of living here again?"

That's when I knew. We'd be living on the island someday.


Something about Little Bean being born impelled us toward the island. City life has been exciting, a constant rush of things to do and restaurants to visit. But once we became parents, we started dreaming of more quiet. We want her to grow up a small-town kid, just like the Chef did. We want her to be familiar with long rocky beaches and working farms, tree swings and blackberry bushes on our daily hikes. We want her to know her neighbors, and be able to ride her bike for the afternoon without us worrying. We want her to feel at home.

We're moving home.

And so, we're happy. With the idea. With the life we will start living on Monday morning, when we wake up in our new home.

But moving? Moving takes it out of me.

We've been hefting boxes and exhausting ourselves. So much living has gone into our kitchen, and we have been dismantling it, day by day. And mostly, we have been trying to winnow down our possessions, give at least half of them away, because we are not our things. And having a baby means too much clutter, anyway. (She needs her own house.) When I feel a little pull about giving away boxes of books I have been collecting since I was 15, I think about how happy I would be to find a clean copy of the Penguin edition of Anna Karenina at the thrift store. (When am I going to have time to read it again?)
Letting go means we have a cleaner home.
Someone else will feel happy for our things, for not much money.

Besides, I have been opening boxes still sealed with the tape I hastily placed in our last home. They have been sitting in the basement ever since, untouched. What was in one box? Scratch pieces of paper with menu ideas two years old, along with the first draft of my book proposal, a stack of birthday cards, the Cartier pen the CFP gave me, one juggling ball, a letter I wrote to the Chef from Alaska, a pair of scissors, and paycheck stubs. That kind of box. If we hadn't missed any of it in the past nearly two years, we didn't need them. (okay, I kept the letter. and the pen.)

So, every day, we fill the car with boxes of books, onesies that now fit Little Bean like she's the Incredible Hulk about to burst from her clothes, the spare pastry cutter, and more wine glasses than we ever need. Today, some good friends came to our house to tuck every last possession we had decided to cleave away from ourselves and drive it to the thrift store on the way to their play. They took the coffee table the Chef brought into the house, the one he bought at the Fremont Fair and painted black and white like zebra stripes. I always hated that table. (Thank you, Llysa and Andrew.) It feels good to give away.

If only this were putting things in boxes, it would be okay. But to do most of it with Little Bean on my lap as I go through all my books and try to decide which half of them I can give away forever, because she's unnerved by the mess and the change in things and needs to be close? This move is new.

Top it off that she hasn't been sleeping, returning to a newborn state, waking every two hours, crying piteously. We have been walking like zombies through the obstacle course of boxes in the living room, trying to figure out what to do for her. This morning, we had confirmed what I had begun to suspect: she has her first ear infection. Poor little pumpkin. All this and being in pain too?

We can't wait to be in our new home.

And so, food has been simple this week, nothing revolutionary. I've enjoyed it more, in a way. We haven't been prepping a cookbook or dreaming up recipes to share here. We've just been eating: roasted chicken legs; millet and quinoa porridge; salads with goat cheese and pomelo slices; pasta salad with spinach and smoked gouda. Sustenance, to help me through the task of reading painful old poems (Oh no. Please don't ever let me try to write another stanza. I was so bad at it.) and throwing away student papers from 1994 (why, for the love of goodness, have I kept those all these years?). We're trying to become organized.

I'm trying to avoid this scene that Betty MacDonald wrote about in Onions in the Stew (a book about moving to the same island where we will be living soon):

"......I packed. Don carried and drove. I started out very methodically. 'Books--reference' I marked on the outside of a carton. 'Sheets---towels' I marked on another. 'Silverware' another. When Don attempted to help I said kindly but firmly, 'You had better let me do it, dear. I know exactly what I am doing and I want things to be orderly.'
'Living room draperies' I wrote on a neat newspaper bundle. 'Candles, vases, bric-a-brac' I marked a carton. Then somehow I began running out of enough of the same thing to fill a box---also out of boxes and newspapers---also out of strength. By the end of the day I was rolling a jar of mayonnaise, a heel of salami and a half-filled bottle of Guerlain's Blue Hour perfume in my tweed skirt and not even stamping the bundle 'Perishable.'"

I won't be surprised if I find a half-wrapped salami among our possessions on the floor of the moving truck our friends will fill on Sunday morning.

Moving, no matter how stressful, does have a beauty to it. I've been forced to take quick glances at all the lives I have lived. The young girl in Pomona, with the gap-toothed grin and glasses, red-faced from eating gluten in every picture, and not knowing it. The earnest young college girl, studying hard and always with her hand raised high in the air. The hopeless year after college during the last major recession, working at a bookstore at the mall. The eager teacher, determined to change everything and exhausting herself in the process. A woman in her 30s, walking fast down the streets of Manhattan, drinking it all in. Someone misguided and giving up her life for the happiness of others in a lavish home in London. A woman starting to know herself, returning to Seattle, and a simpler life. The woman born the moment she realized she shouldn't eat gluten anymore, and everything came alive. The one who met the Chef. A woman in love, then loving more quietly, every moment of the day. Mama.

It's funny, isn't it? How we talk about our life as a single unit? I've lived five hundred lives already, since I was born in 1966, each rushing to meet the next, and turning away from the last. There have been so many strained stanzas, impassioned dances, and anguished missed chances I am now glad I missed. For years, I have been winnowing, not just my possessions, but my expectations. I love being in my 40s. I love being his wife, her mama. I love this life.

I can't wait for the next one to begin.

As you can imagine, we're going to be pretty busy this next week, moving on Sunday, cleaning the old place, and setting up our new home. Forgive our silence, for a bit. We need some time to settle in and feel the change before we can begin sharing it here.

sometimes quick food is the best.

Red Pasta Sauce for a Busy Week

Earlier this week, I threw together a pasta sauce while packing cookbooks and talking on the phone to Tea. Normally, this is not how I like to cook -- glancing sideways while watching the pan. Cooking calls to me because it forces me to focus. But we were hungry from cleaning and moving, and I had no time to talk to my friend during the rest of the day. No other choice.

Sometimes food tastes better with less scrutiny. Not expecting anything, I just threw in a pinch of this, a bit of that. (This recipe, therefore, is only the roughest guideline.) When we sat down to eat, the Chef took his first bite, and then said, "Man, sweetie, this is good." And so, here it is.

The meals I throw together without thinking too much are much better for having good ingredients around the house. Mustapha's red pepper salt is a blend of Moroccan poivron rouge, piment fort, and fleur de sel. It's something really special, a clean bite of heat and sweetness, salt that does something far more than what is expected. I'm making all our pasta with a little toss of it from now on.

8 ounces gluten-free pasta of your choice (this one is Manicaretti)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 medium white onion, peeled and fine-chopped
1 teaspoon fine chopped fresh rosemary
pinch red pepper salt (or equal parts hot chile pepper and sweet paprika)
pinch nutmeg
pinch pepper
1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 sausage of your choice, already cooked and sliced
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup chicken stock
pinch lemon zest
1/3 cup fresh grated Parmesan

Cooking the pasta. Fill a large pot with water and enough salt to make the water taste like the ocean. A glug of olive oil helps as well. When the water is boiling rapidly, throw in the pasta. Cook it until the texture is just shy of al dente (soft with just a little bite). Drain immediately. Put the hot pasta back in the pot.

Making the sauce. Bring a large saucepan to medium-high heat. Pour in the olive oil. Toss the onions in the hot oil and stir. Cook the onions until they are soft and translucent, yielding to the touch of your spatula. Put in the rosemary and cook about 1 minute, or until the room begins to smell of rosemary. Pinch in the red pepper salt, the nutmeg, and the pepper. Stir until the onions and rosemary are coated with these seasonings. Pour in the diced tomatoes and allow them to cook for a few minutes, or until the liquid has reduced and almost evaporated.

Put 1/2 of the butter in the tomato sauce and swirl until it is all melted. Toss in the sliced sausage and cook until it is evenly heated. Pour in the chicken stock and allow it to bubble and combine with all the other ingredients. When the sauce has reached the thickness you desire, reduce the heat to low.

Stir in the remaining butter and the pinch of lemon zest. Stir to combine.

Put the cooked pasta in the sauce. Stir to coat it entirely.

Plate up the pasta and top with the Parmesan.

Feeds 2


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Rina said...

I am so incredibly envious and happy for you all at the same time.

What an amazing place it will be for the Bean to grow up.

My heart longs to find an island like yours.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger shinyruby2 said...

ohhhh yum, can you come help me move? I'm sitting on the counch here surrounded by boxes as well.. moving in a weeks time! and it's home delivered pizza for dinner for me tonight ;) That pasta looks so nourishing and yummy, sending you all the best for the move.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Pearl said...

i'm so happy and excited for you. a dream comes true :)

At 2:38 AM, Blogger Andromeda Jazmon said...

Lovely post! Enjoy your new home in all it's sweetness and complexity.

This is the way I cook most of the time, except I didn't know about the red pepper salt. I'm definitely going to look for it now!

At 2:40 AM, Blogger ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

An Island sounds wonderful and so does this pasta!! Happy moving and I hope your new home is fulled with much happiness and joy.

At 2:48 AM, Blogger Jessmeca said...

Im so happy for yourself, the chef & little bean.

It must be good to be coming home.

I understand completely about the packing, i have been doing it myself. In just over a week i will be leaving my (second) home town for the first time, setting out accross the ocean to New Zealand and then to Canada. I am terrified, and yet also excited.

Thank you so much for introducing me to Tea & Cookies, it will fill the void while you area away.

Much Love & hope for a smooth transition

At 4:27 AM, Blogger Pilgrim said...

I am also envious and happy for you.
They say "three moves is as good as a fire," around here. Congratulations on freeing yourself of some of your possessions.

At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your move, we did a move last summer (without a baby!) and it can be tough but the excitement wins over everything. Stay nourished and patient, and enjoy your new beginning :)

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy moving! And what a sweet time of year for a little change= apparently that is what the retrograde moon is for.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger David said...

moving is no fun, but the rewards afterwards (hopefully) will pay off

: )

At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with the move and that Little bean's ear infection gets better in no time. Hopefully she's not teething too, poor honey! (if she is, my DD loved chewing frozen washcloths).

Your new home sounds amazing, and in spring it will be such a lovely place for Little Bean to start her first steps! How exciting!

I'm jealous of the opportunity that moving is giving you to clean out clutter. Thanks for the inspiration to clean!

Your pasta recipe looked lovely.. I wish I could eat tomato sauce (boohoo me).

Enjoy your new home!

At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my goodness I LOVE ONIONS IN THE STEW and all of Betty's other books.

Happy moving!


At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shauna, Danny, and Little Bean,

Long time lurker here, and very rare poster. I just wanted to send you the best for your move. We're in the process of moving, too, (our first house, yay!) so I feel your pain about wanting good food, but not being able to pay attention the way you'd like. '

So just take a deep breath, know that moving pain is temporary, and plan for a plate of your favorite whatever-it-is once you're in your new place!

Sonja J.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger House of Jules said...

Hey, those are my dishes! LOVE. Congrats on the move!

At 7:46 AM, Blogger gfe--gluten free easily said...

Congratulations! Moving to a place you both love and one that will be best for Little Bean is wonderful. :-) The work part stinks though ... packing and decluttering, and then a year after moving, you look at an item and think, why on earth did I feel this was worthy of moving? LOL

The recipe looks terrific--thanks! Red pepper salt ... another one to add to my list when I go to the upscale grocery store. I had not heard of that brand of GF pasta before either.

Thanks, Shauna. Hope all goes well with your mom to the island!

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Pepper Blossom said...

i really love how you write. i feel as if i have known you forever and really well too. your writing is smooth and flowing like water. your desire to raise your little bean in a "small town" is refreshing. thank you for sharing all you do about your life.

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost teared up when I read that Shauna. It sounds like you have many bittersweet memories.

If I wasn't single myself I would consider making a move like that to a smaller, quieter community. Having grown up in NYC and then San Francisco, Seattle almost feels small townish to me.

As for moving, I have literally moved 6 times in 2 years. It is draining. You start cursing yourself for acquiring so much "stuff". You pare down to the bare essentials, arrive someplace new and then start acquiring new stuff. It never ends. Best move for me was when I left San Francisco for Portland, sold everything and only took what fit in my little Toyota hatchback.....10 boxes. Felt so good to be so unencumbered.

Best of luck with the move. With spring/summer on the horizon it sounds so wonderful and you are both so lucky in so many ways.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger leedav said...

I totally understand the pull of those islands and the childhood you hope for for Bean sounds a lot like my own!

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moving is a chore - you'll need this satisfying pasta as ballast to get through it all I'm sure. Good luck!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Cicero Sings said...

I too lurk at your site and have been enjoying the videos but have never commented.

Moving ... yuck. But I'm glad you are moving to such a nice place (it wouldn't be Bainbridge would it? ... I've cousins living there). I agree, Little Bean needs to grow up in the country ... dig in the dirt ... grow her own veggies.

Soon, soon the move will be over and you'll be settled and enjoying the peaceful surrounds.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! Good luck and I know exactly how it feels that "belonging"...It is a weird feeling...
We'll miss you all, but we understand and we'll wait until you can come back! take your time...

I love your sharing and your stories... Thanks!

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful move to be making.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Deborah Dowd said...

Take a breath- children can feed off your upset and chaos so do what you can to be calm and Little Bean will settle too. Best wishes on your move and surviving the boxes and craziness. Wherever you are will surely be home.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Allison the Meep said...

So happy for you! And so cool that you're savoring it all as it comes in, instead of the usual grumbling people do at moving time. Moving is an adventure. We made our cross-country moving trip an adventure and documented and loved every minute of it.

Best of luck, and lots of happiness for you in this new life!

Also, I hope you eventually get Lucy's package!

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Not Another Omnivore said...

Great post. Learning a lot about you. Everything sounds like it's going fantastic, which is always good to hear.


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Gemma said...

Good luck with the move, it sounds wonderful and I can appreciate the allure of a small town childhood for Little Bean so will be looking forward to hearing more about it.

We're moving in 3 weeks and your post has reminded me that I need to think more carefully about the things that will come with us and those that would be better sent to another home.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Good luck with the move. I lived on that Island for a few months myself and love it, too. My in laws still live there.

I'm jealous that there is a better grocery store there than in Port Orchard.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Susanne said...

Oh it up! Life is good. (and the recipe sounds great as well...I always forget lemon zest, which brings such a bright unexpected life.) Wish I was there to help!

At 7:04 PM, Blogger BealcA's Pad said...

I hope that your new home will be an added blessing in raising little Bean. It sounds wonderful. Have a great life and blessings from above.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Milhan said...

Having grown up in Brooklyn...I love the bowl your pasta is in!

Best of luck with your move.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Erica said...

I can't believe you're moving back to The Island. Good luck with the move and change of pace.
I hope it is all that you've dreamed.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Dana Treat said...

Packing and moving with a child is so incredibly difficult - I really feel for you. I know where you are headed and I hope your new start is wonderful. Also wish LB a speedy recovery.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The island sounds idyllic. I looked it up on Wikipedia. You are all lucky to be moving there. They are also lucky to get you, Danny, and Lucy as residents.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Kristina Strain said...

Your writing is really lovely. I'm so happy I stumbled onto your blog!

Sweetfern Handmade

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Shauna, I am so happy for the three of you. It sounds so wonderful...can't wait to see pictures of the area (hopefully).
All the best.

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna, I deeply understand your words as I fell it love with Vashon on my first trip to Seattle years ago. It very much reminded me of growing up in a rural area in northern calif. I envy you. I appreciate you wanting to give that gift to your little one. Enjoy.

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like an idealic place to live. Best wishes with the move, I don't envy you on that..

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your island sounds idealic..moving on the other hand is just plain yucky.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Timi said...

I love your dinner plate.
Where did you get them?

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Timi said...

I love your dinner plate.
Where did you get them?

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so fascinating to read this post. I too am moving soon although I am going to be moving off an island that we currently call our home. I've lived here for nearly 6 years and now have plans to move to Sonoma County. It's going to be busy yet rural and give us the ability to try our hand at small time farming. Plus grow avocados and pomegranates.

As I read your post I laughed that I had written a very similar post on Friday. I'm packing up my life and realizing that there are so many things that I just don't need any more. Books that I'll never open again, magazines that I haven't even looked at since I purchased them or vases that had flowers in them just once. It's hard to let go and yet it is so freeing at the same time. I wish you the best on your move to your island. I've enjoyed my 6 years of island life and was pleased to have given my children and island childhood.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How I clung to your post. Moving to an island in PS. Oh, I am so taken up with the thought. As I was reading along I could not get my favorite book out of my head, thinking all the time of 'THAT' island! And then it crept into your conversation!!! 'My Island'!! YOU ARE MOVING TO 'MY ISLAND'!!! I fell in love with "Onions In The Stew" so many years ago and read it each year. Last week I said it is time again. And then today I read your blog of last week. I am so THRILLED that I will be able to follow your writings of 'Our Island'. I live in New York and will never see 'Our Island' except through your eyes and Betty's eyes. I am so excited for you and me too! Blessings as you settle in. I will be waiting with antisipation for you posts to come. I have loved your book and have gotten much help from you blog. Thank you so much, MissyT

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Good luck with your move! The islands off of Seattle were a place that called me too- felt like home the instant I stepped off the ferry- but life is complicated and I lived nearby for a year and then moved away. But sometimes those islands come back to me in dreams, and always as home. Good luck to you as you settle in. I hope you will share a photo or two of your surroundings along with your lovely recipes.

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, This dish looks delicious. I have a habit of putting cheese on everything, especially when it comes to pasta.

Either Mozzarella or Parmesan!

Very nice meal!

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just moved so I could go to school (I'm a culinary school student) and that is exactly what we did - eat pasta in all it's glorious forms - because it was fast and easy.

But once we settled, I put the pasta pot away. Just for a little!


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Liz said...

How exciting! I know exactly which island you are refering to and it is a beautiful place. By far the highlight of my visit to Seattle.

I hope Little Bean gets better soon -- she will have a wonderful place to grow up.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After living my entire 36 years in the Seattle area, we've just moved our family of 5 (kids 8, 4 and 13 months) to Columbus, OH (where the job is). Three things to know: 1) You will hit the ground cooking. It is the best way, bar none, to break in a new kitchen. The taxes are still sealed in moving boxes, but the kitchen was unpacked on day #2(followed by the books). 2) The "island" is a magical place. It is where my husband spend his formative years; where many of our friends still live; and where we dream of returning one day. 3) Hang in there. Babies do sleep through the night, eventually. Whatever doesn't happen now, doesn't need to. Breathe, sigh, get through it. Yes, you've made the right move. Yes, it's crazy-hard at the moment. Yes, things will be easier.

I've read, indulgently, for years, book and blog alike, and am so grateful for the vast reach of a forum that lets me enjoy the joy of a great writer and family, even from 2500 miles away. Best, Molly H

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for such a 'moving' (hee hee, didn't even intend that!) end to your post. You put into eloquent words what I have been feeling, as a newish Mama & wife at 43, with many other lives behind me. Amazing how it all becomes so simple & streamlined when these things fall into place, leaving one wondering what were those adventures all about, while, at the same time, knowing that they are what brought one here to this point. Congratulations on the move to all three of you.

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Littles said...

congrats on going home!
I'm sure one of your wise mama friends has already told you about Mullen oil ear drops right.....?

grab a bottle and warm it up to body temp and put a few drops in the ear. So so soothing, my mom used to do it for me and I now have done it for my son (twice, poor thing).

She will smell like a italian sub, but that's okay :)
good luck on your move,

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky people! I love that island and have fantasized about living there. Alas, I will be leaving Seattle soon for parts unknown. Congratulations!

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the move; I wake up every morning and look out my window at the island you are moving to. I live on the mainland side, and watch the ferries against the mountains bringing people to the city. It's beautiful, and I'm so happy for you. I hope you start some type of vagabond would be a great addition to the island!

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Nicole McLaughlin said...

Your "home" sounds amazing! Your blog just makes me really happy!

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Julia said...

Just found your blog...Good luck on the move.

I know two people who are in your boat! I am going to send you link onto them for sure.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger LobotoME said...

good luck with the wishes on your new adventure and home!

jenny :)

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Nurit "1 family. friendly. food." said...

How exciting.
I have a dream of living in a place like this and opening a B&B... well... maybe closer to retirement.
Good Luck!

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Sara said...

oooh, goodluck with the move! sounds like it will definitely be worth the strife and aggravation that preceed it :)

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shauna, can joint/muscle pain be part of celiac?

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

sounds absolutely delicious island girl!! have fun moving! i hope all goes well! Island living is wonderful! We will live on an island one day too!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger laurelvb said...

I tried commenting before my my silly Google account is always giving me error messages. So short and sweet.
Shauna, the move sounds like heaven. And please, please, please have Little Bean check for problems with dairy. So many little ones have tubes in their ears because their pediatricians don't know any more about dairy intolerance than they do about gluten intolerance.
It sounds as if your life continues to be blessed. Enjoy every second of it.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger raiuchka said...

Congratulations on returning to your island... I am so incredibly jealous. It's my dream to live in the San Juans. I hope and trust that many of your future posts will give us glimpses of island life, and some beautiful photos... I'll just have to enjoy it vicariously!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger H.Peter said...

Happy moving.
Good luck on the island.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Ruby said...

Hi Shauna!
Hope your family is adjusting and resting well in your new home!
I made the recipe in our dorm kitchen with the instructions taped to the fridge and a girl left a comment on how she's gluten free! (I'm not, but the spaghetti you mentioned was). The dish was so good that I had to triple the portion!

Question: I don't taste the seasonings in the onions much, should I add more next time or was is for more of a subtle favor?

=) Hope all is fantastic!

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on your new adventures, how exciting for you all! Looking forward to more of your fantastic stories and recipes!

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Kayla said...

What a great opportunity for your family. I have always dreamed of a simple lifestyle, and as I get older I get closer to living it.

I am so glad to hear you salute the 40's. I am going to enter my 30's this year and am somewhat apprehensive about it. I have done a lot of reflecting lately and feel a transformation coming on. Being diagnosed with celiac disease while I was pregnant and having my daughter were the catalysts.

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog and came by way of a book store. I think I love books the way you love food, so naturally that's where I started my search for answers.

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger beastmomma said...

Congratulations on the start of your new adventure!

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful post for me to stumble upon. Your writing is so personal and honest and refreshing... and your recipe sounds amazing. I will definitely be back to visit your blog on a regular basis.

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful, Shauna. And how so very perfect that you guys have all found "home." I feel that way about Healdsburg too. I'd wandered my whole life -- born in the midwest, moved to Connecticut mid-high school, college in the south and Paris, then New York City and San Francisco and Costa Rica . . . and then Healdsburg. And a feeling of being settled, of being home.

Welcome home!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger littleorangekitchen said...

"I am surrounded by boxes, strewn across the living room floor like pennies flung out a window late at night."

I totally get it!

At 10:13 AM, Blogger MPG said...

When I see you online, it makes me wonder where you get all the energy from but my guess is that it's all about positive outlook and looking forward to wonderful things in life life on the island...I am so happy to know that LB is going to grow up in a lovely place - I love Vashon!


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