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13 October 2009

writing classes and recommendations

Lu's breakfast (version 2)

Hey there.

Some of you may be wondering — Shauna, didn't you just post last night? Why are you back, talking with us so soon?

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be around here more often again.

We're still in the middle of edits. Little Bean walks fast across the living room, straight toward the one dish cupboard we can't put baby locks on. We write another blog, three times a week, which occupies my mind, happily. I'm working on another book. Somewhere in there is sleep (sometimes).

So why write here more often?

Simple. Because I love it here.

I love talking with you. Telling stories. Coming up with recipes. Taking photographs against the dying light outside. Wondering how best to say what I feel. And mostly, the food. Oh, the food that feeds us, that occupies our minds, that keeps me and Danny talking late into the night. We're always bubbling with ideas.

We want to share.

So here I am. On Tuesdays, I'm going to share any announcements, plus a recommendation. Here goes.

I'm teaching a class on Finding Your Voice.

Next month, I'll be teaching again. And I'd love to have you in the class.

David Leite, of the incredible Leite's Culinaria, has assembled a respected group of teachers and writers to teach classes on the publishing world, writing a cookbook, pitching to magazines, and how to write the perfect recipe. I'm humbled and happy to be one of the group with David, Renee Schettler, and Dianne Jacob.

On Monday, November 2nd, I'll be teaching a lecture/seminar class on how to find your voice in food writing. We’ll convene by telephone for a 2 1/2 hour conference call. The class will be both lecture and discussion, with plenty of laughter, I'm sure. A private podcast of this class, available only to participants, will be posted online for one month at no additional cost.

To quote myself:

"Finding your voice will lead your readers to good food and shared meals. Voice is more than word choice, sentence construction, and punctuation, although those are important elements. Your voice conveys your personality, your decisions, and your biases that make you interesting to the reader. Think of this: would you rather share a kitchen with Anthony Bourdain or Laurie Colwin? Jeffrey Steingarten or Ruth Reichl? If you knew which writer with whom you’d like to chop onions, it’s probably because you like his or her voice."

If you'd like to find out more about the class, and register to be part of this invigorating discussion, come on over here.

I really would love to have you in class.

I've been nominated for a Food Buzz award.

I'm also honored to announce that this site has been nominated for a Food Buzz award: Healthy Living blog.

Now, I have to admit, I sort of love the fact that a site that applauds butter, pork, baked goods, and sugar (among other foods) has been nominated for this award. Thank you!

But there are also some wonderful folks in this category, websites I found through the nominations:

Carrots ‘n Cake
Eat, Live, Run
Healthy Tipping Point
Kath Eats

They are all inspiring sites, all deserving of the award.

If you should wish to vote for this site, however, please click here.

You need some silicone financier molds.

There's a reason why I put a picture of polenta on top. Want to know why? Click on over to Gluten-Free Girl Recommends to find out.

That site has been on summer hiatus. But now, it's back!


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Good to see you back. Thank you for sharing your life with me. You inspire me to truly live.

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Rebekah said...

I felt the same way about the Healthy Living nomination! Delighted to see your name there, but, really, shouldn't it have been "Living"? Joyful living? Balanced living? Aware living? Oh, I don't know. Not that you're NOT healthy, but, you know...many congratulations anyway, the recognition is healthily deserved.

At 3:14 AM, Blogger MamaJoe said...

I have recently joined a writer's group and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about my writing and about how others hear my voice in my words. I think your class will be great and I know many will learn from you. Your voice makes me smile, laugh and cry. Thank you for giving us more than just great food ideas here. Letting us into your life is a treasure.

At 5:02 AM, Blogger Tracy Chastain said...

That class is right up my alley!!! :) thanks for recommending it.

At 6:40 AM, Blogger h. hart said...

I'm so pleased to have you around a bit more--now that the air is cold, I have been feeling the writing itch more and more too. Good luck with everything, it sounds like you have a lot of amazing stuff on your plate, and I look forward to hearing about it!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Shelly! said...

Yes. I do need some molds.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Green Acres in the City said...

Too cool. I had no idea about the other blog. I have some reading to do. Thanks for the tip on the class!

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Jennifer said...

Congratulations on your Foodbuzz nomination! You have my vote.

I'm intrigued by the concept of your class and am heading over to Leite's Culinaria to read more about it.

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you will be writing more, now to register for that class.
Congrats on the Food Buzz nomination, of course you are healthy! You shout from the mountain top about enjoying your first medicine, food.
Here's to your winning.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger eM said...

maybe I will sign up for that class! Completely in love with the idea that I get to stay home in my jammies and giggle on the phone while "Taking A Class". May be just the thing for bringing my imaginary blog into the real world

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Green Key said...

Congratulations on the nomination! So glad you'll be writing & posting more often. I always smile with a bit of joyful anticipation when I see that you have a new post up on this site.
Good luck with your class!

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Joel R. Putnam said...

For everyone reading: She's taught me. She's good. I understate things. It's a habit. So, if you're at all sitting on the fence, take the class. You'll thank yourself later, and so will everyone reading your writing.

At 2:46 AM, Blogger a kelly said...

You're writing inspires me to find my voice.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Sho said...


Congratulations on the nomination for the Food Buzz award.

Oh how I want polenta and goat cheese. ( Shhh, but I buy the tube of polenta from Trader Joe's.)

Take care,



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